The WorkServer

The GNP WorkServer is a Sun SPARC-based, NEBS-certified telecommunications server designed for advanced telephony services, such as wireless communications, Internet services, and Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) applications.

The WorkServer is the most complete solution for High Availability in the Central Office. It enables High Availability and Continuous Availability services in the telecom network for an extremely cost-efficient alternative to expensive Fault Tolerant systems. It is perfect for nearly all telecommunications services where reliability, price, and performance are top priority.

We understand that getting your project to market quickly requires more than just a computer, it requires a whole system that works seamlessly and reliably. Our enhanced OAM&P functionality and Intelligent Maintenance Network tie together all the pieces necessary to quickly develop and deploy robust, reliable telecommunications services, including Sun SPARCengines running standard Solaris, RAID arrays, ethernet hubs, disk drives, high speed asynchronous serial controllers, SBus expanders, and SCSI switches. We think you'll find the WorkServer to be the ideal platform for all your advanced telephony computing needs.  For more information about how we can help you speed your project to market, look below, contact GNP or visit our Website at

[ WorkServer Photos ]

WorkServer Photos

View photos of the GNP WorkServer.

[ WorkServer Brochure ]

WorkServer Brochure

A graphical look at the WorkServer.

WorkServer White Paper ]

WorkServer White Paper

An in-depth overview of the WorkServer.

[ More Information ]

More Info about the WorkServer

[High Availability White Paper ] High Availability White Paper

An in-depth overview of the WorkServer Reference Platform and High Availability issues.  (This has some large technical drawings as .jpg files, please allow time for them to load.)

[ Technical Specifications ] WorkServer Technical Specifications

Detailed data regarding physical aspects of the WorkServer.

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